The Unmentionables

Let’s talk a little about the joyous unmentionables of pregnancy for a minute.

This week had some long days, I barely made it home to see Jacob before he went to sleep (okay, 2 out of the 4 days I worked).  Jeff kept him awake so I could see him and put him to bed at least.   When I missed his bedtime altogether a week or two ago, I was really cranky at work the last few hours of this long case.  The case was long, intense and the patient needed to go to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The ICU was a 10-minute walk away and for some reason, everyone’s work capacity slowed down when the surgeon walked out.  I literally almost cried while I witnessed the molasses of my team.

I cried the entire drive home – I had to gather some composure because it was affecting my vision but I was so sad and devastated. Was it the hormones? Maybe? I doubt it! 🙂 I left the ‘inpatient’ world so my ‘outpatient’ hours would be more predictable. Most days I’m home by 5-6pm which is later than I’d like buuuut I am happy with the current situation I have going.

Sleeping Beauty

I’m almost 23 weeks now and that means the belly is burgeoning.  My bladder, however, is on a different timeline than my abdomen. My bladder is acting like it’s near the end of pregnancy and is making me go every few hours. For longer surgeries, I try to ration my fluid intake to avoid exacerbating my situation but even with this plan, my bladder is not cooperating with me. Luckily, my coworkers are understanding and offer me breaks and even if I don’t feel full, I take them up on their offers!  Perhaps it is time to revisit those Kegels and maybe get some help from the experts of the Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy people.

Another bonus of hormones is the increasing lordosis (curvature of the lower spine) that occurs as the anterior load (growing belly) increases.  I had a herniated disc postpartum Month 6 when I tried to start jogging again without adequate warmup/stretching/who knows combined with hormones, stress, etc. My back hasn’t fully recovered but I’m thankful to be able to do daily activities with some modifications on a functional basis.

Lordosis IMG

Thanks to the combination of >100kg patients at times, work, hormones, Jacob’s 30-pounds preferring to be held by Mom, etc. my back has some moments again.  I started Physical Therapy last week and so far the few exercises/stretches my therapist has given me have helped. He says I will be back to running, surfing and snowboarding someday! WOOHOO! That gave me hope! My goals now are to continue with this homework and try to work out more (maybe twice a week even!) to strengthen my core, stabilize my hips, etc. so I will work on that soon.

I had a little short pity party for myself this week. Beyonce was doing her usual Beyonce stuff at Coachella last week- how can a woman after having given birth to 3 kids (and twins) dance/move like that! There is a little escape whenever I squeeze! And in case you haven’t heard, Kate Middleton was photographed with her son SEVEN hours after having given birth looking Kate Middleton-esque. She looked beautiful wearing a red non-maternity dress, makeup and HEELS!  She’s beautiful no matter what but especially soon after giving birth! Where was she hiding her Tucks, cooling pads and mesh briefs?  I didn’t want to put on regular maternity lounge pants and flip flops after giving birth!

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My Postpartum Day 1. Photo courtesy of Jeff.


Another unmentionable with this pregnancy is the guilt I feel toward Jacob.  The day the pregnancy test was positive, I looked at Jacob and cried. He wouldn’t be the one and only anymore and his world was going to be turned upside down.  Lately these weekends, Jacob is clingy/snuggly so I lay down with him to help him nap. If I get up before he is asleep, he gets up, looks at me sadly and then cries this little cry. That face… that beautiful face… I cherish these last few months of just him and me. Oh my, I’m beginning to tear up now (darn hormones!).  Sure, someday, hopefully he and DOS will be best friends and playmates, but that won’t be for a while! So, I am trying to take extra time to do things with him on my early/off days. Napping with him is my favorite thus far, just kidding.

A few unmentionables of pregnancy #2: back pain, earlier bladder symptoms, guilt toward your first child, inability to nap whenever you want. I am very lucky and blessed to be in this position I am in now.  I feel Dos moving around a bunch- especially after I eat (which is often!).  My little Jacob is growing up so fast- he is talking more, saying what he wants, he’s like a little person now!

How did your pregnancies go?  I love hearing about others’ pregnancy journeys. Everyone’s experiences are so unique! 

Have a great weekend, everyone! May is almost here!!

Author: trustmeimadoctormom

Anesthesiologist by day, Mom to a fearless threenager and almost-toddler boys by day/night/dawn 24/7!

2 thoughts on “The Unmentionables”

    1. Thank you!! I just read your pregnancy blog. Love the different format too! What a fun and amazing journey! I enjoyed reading all you went through- You did a lot of reading and research and were super prepared!! You’re a rockstar! sure you’re doing amazing w your lil nugget!


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